Computer Labs
Computer Lab Locations
Aquinas has one main computer lab and one computer classroom located in the Grace
Hauenstein Library. Three other computer classrooms are on the third floor of the
Academic Building. Additional computers are available in areas such as the residence
halls, Albertus Hall, and the second floor of the Academic Building.
Main Locations
All labs contain full multi-media capable computers:
- The Student Lounge located on the Academic Building second floor contains access to a PaperCut print kiosk.
- Computer classrooms are located in Academic Building 315, 319, and 322. Reservations for these classrooms can be made with the Conferencing Department.
- Grace Hauenstein Library Lab located in the Jarecki Center contains computers and access to a PaperCut print kiosk, along with a computer classroom that contains computers and access to a networked laser printer.
Network Applications Available to Registered Students
The labs contain PC-based computers that allow access to standard applications such as:
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Web Browsers: Chrome and Firefox
- A broad array of Academic software applications
- Web-based applications (including Email, Drive, Calendar, CourseConnect, and Self Service)
- PaperCut print kiosk - Print from a campus lab computer or wirelessly from your personal computer or tablet
using one of the PaperCut print kiosks. Locations include AB 2nd floor, AH 228 Group
Study room, Grace-Hauenstein Library, Regina Hall, and St. Joseph Hall. At each print
kiosk, students will be able to obtain printouts. More information about PaperCut
is here.
*At the three main student computer labs, students will also be able to make copies, scan to email, and scan to USB flash drive. Please note: The self-service print kiosk will require you to have money on your Aquinas College ID card in order to retrieve your printouts. To obtain an ID card, please visit Campus Safety. To fund an ID card, please visit the Food Service Office in Wege 202 (Cafeteria Level) or Student Accounts in Holmdene.
Information Technology Services
M-Th: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Academic Building, Room 350
(616) 632-2050