Study Abroad with the Art Department
Spring 2025 Study Abroad will be in Paris!
Every other Spring semester the Art Department offers a study abroad opportunity.
Students can enroll in our 4-credit, drawing intensive study abroad course. We have
taken students to Paris, Hamburg, Berlin, and London.
ART310 Cityscape Drawing Abroad (4)
Introduction to visual thinking and process in art through a studio art experience in drawing, specifically as it applies to the art and architecture of a major art center in Europe. The structure of the course combines an eight-week study period on the Aquinas campus during the semester with a 10-14 day intensive study, travel, and drawing experience in Europe.
An intensive seminar (quad format) in the art history of a region outside the United States that includes a travel abroad component (past courses have gone to Paris and London). Prerequisites: ART110, ART105.